Sunday, May 17, 2009

RE: //Dil Se Desi// Talban foreign agents

Dear Brijesh

How you are sure that they are not going to finish , I know before Taliban have some sympathy in local people but as now they lose the credibility and all people against them specially when Sufi Muhammad their religious Leader says that Kashmir fight is not Jihad,(so you can understand who is funding them) people are too much angry and support fully to Army and Govt. and now I am sure they will soon vanish those criminals at least from Pakistan SOIL.Iits long time since Sonia Ghandi and Rajave’s Childrens in India and Rajev Ghandi was INDIAN and now accept them also as Hindustani, as we all are also Hindustani , I also wish that India as One big country as confederation not only India, Pakistan but including Bangladesh , and from this side till Ghazni Central Asia. Just Check BBC Documentary on INDIA, it has 6 Episodes and very Nice. If you need I can send you links. Don’t forget the extra Episode in that documentary


Best Regards

Naveed Abbas Rana



From: brijesh verma []
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 10:06 AM
To: Naveed Abbas
Cc: Sumit Maurya;;; Raj
Subject: Re: //Dil Se Desi// Talban foreign agents


Dear Naveed, First of all I would like to tell you that our joint idea UBT on clicknewsnet is growing day by day. The second thing is Congress has got only 205 seats which is not even a win, as in India party has to cross the 272 mark to register a win. Surprised How you calculated a big win of congress and sending congratulations? My dear Congress will have to depend on its opportunists alliances. You are talking about the foriegn agenrts in your country and congratlating us on the victory of Italian family, very diplomatic. Sir, Taliban is not going to finish as you are expecting,

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Naveed Abbas <> wrote:

Dear Mr Sumit Maurya

First of all congratulations on Congress BIG Win and Sorry for late reply actually I m little bit busy on some clients, as U already hear from news the operation against Talban we will finish these foreign agents as sri lanka almost finish foreign agents from their country,

And second Questions is about economy , as we are in crisis but we will come out from this very soon and after these foreign agents finish we will fix our economy also and every where there is propaganda that America is giving us AID sorry correct yourself America is not Giving AID but we are rendering services to America and America is paying against those services. I wish to answer you in very detail with some historical facts but as I am little bit busy now a days ,INSHALLAh I will answer your next questions in details


Best Regards

Naveed Abbas Rana



From: Sumit Maurya []
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 5:45 PM
To: Naveed Abbas
Subject: Re: [Bloggers for Advani] Re: //Dil Se Desi// Vote for NDA alliance for good Governance


1st Question.....Hw r u guys in pakistan save ur country from the rising threat of Taliban?

As on date it seems that u ve jsut one option and i.e. to surrender and submission to TALIBANS. (any way all the best for ur tryst with SHARIA:)

2nd Question: hw r u goin to improve on ur economic front? I suppose in this case also u ve just one option....and i.e. to BEG.


Other ques after answers...

On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 6:02 PM, Naveed Abbas <> wrote:

Yes Mr Sumit Maurya

Ask me any Burning Questions Haunting Pakistan , If You Have Any


Best Regards

Naveed Abbas


From: Sumit Maurya []
Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2009 2:34 PM
Cc: brijesh verma;; Naveed Abbas;; Bloggers for Advani
Subject: Re: [Bloggers for Advani] Re: //Dil Se Desi// Vote for NDA alliance for good Governance


yes seems like Mr. Naved is pakistani. and it appears that he has "answers to all the question :)" I wud expect him to not meddle in India's Internal democratic process.

It wud be grt if he answers many BURNING QUESTIONS haunting Pakistan.




On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 9:58 AM, marsgloball <> wrote:


Dear Mr. raj,


you can carry on ,I can handle Mr. naved.


Mr. naved ,Yes tell me what dou want to know about India?

Best Regards


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In a message dated 4/15/2009 9:34:43 AM India Standard Time, writes:

Mr. Naved there are many points in which you do not have full backup of the information. Please do not mess up our mission with  unauthentic information. We do care your efforts but this is not the right time to have a discussion with a man who can not vote for anybody in India.Hope you understand our feelings.


Thanks and  Regards


On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 9:53 PM, Raj <> wrote:

Hello Naveed,


Thanks for your email. I am assuming from your email that you are a Pakistani and please correct me if i am wrong.

The email i sent was intended for Indian nationals only and i apologize for dropping it in the wrong inbox, However i would not like to waste my time emailing to your comments , i am sure you guys in Pakistan already have your hands full and let us stick with our own line.



----- Original Message -----

From: Naveed Abbas

To: 'Raj'

Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 7:20 AM

Subject: RE: //Dil Se Desi// Vote for NDA alliance for good Governance


Dear Raj

As you raised some questions , have their answers in red color

i support only for BJP and NDA alliance. becoz only Advaniji is the only candidate to think about the Indias development, think about resolve the terrorist aactivities, think about rural and urban differences, think about the our foreign policy....etc. and congress and its aliance around 50 yrs take a PM chair, but India will get nothing, i raised some question:-

Please answer the following:

1. CON gress started the quota system and initiated the division of our country based on caste, community, region and religion. They are all pseudos.
You want low cast communities and minority religion to be parish from India , at least let them have according to their % of population

2. Corruption in Indian republic was introduced during Nehru's regime by the arms deal and subsequently the licence raj.
Corruption is no any invention or finding it’s there since humans came on earth, and you want to say BJP leaders are not Corrupt then Just dial “Toll-free no: 1-800-110-440”

3. You go to the villages in the interiors of any state and you will find lack of water, electricity, medical facility, sewage, jobs etc. Once green rural set up has now become dry and arid over the last six decades of CON gress rule.
You kind information you are Indian and you don’t know who rule when below is the detail it’s not congress all the way

*National Congress Party [INC] 1947.8.15-1969.12
*National Congress Party-Indira Gandhi Faction [INC-I] (split from INC) 1969.12-1977.3.24
*People's Party 1977.3.24-1979.7.28
*Janata Secular Party [JSP] 1979.7.28-.9
*Lok Dal (developed from JSP) 1979.9-1980.1.14
*INC-I 1980.1.14-1989.12.2
*Janata Dal [JD] 1989.12.2-1991.6.21
*INC-I 1991.6.21-1996.5.16
*Indian People's Party [BJP] 1996.5.16-.6.1
*JD 1996.6.1-1998.3.19
*BJP 1998.3.19-2004.5.22
*INC-I 2004.5.22-

4. Waiver of farm loans(latest Rs71000 crores, earler loan mela and subsequent waiver of loans by Janardhan Pujari), introduction of heavy subsidies to farmers, provisioning free electricity to farmers has brought the farmers to dependence rather than working hard and living in pride. Our farm lands have lost their fertility due to the heavy use of subsidised fertilisers and genetically modified seeds with a view to increased production without any healthy nutrient rich food. It is tax payers money that is being doled out.
My friend we in Pakistan and all near countries want to be like Indian Farmers because India have more fertility then any neighbor country and only Punjab is enough to provide the food to whole India. And you object on waiver of loan of farmers , you know its India only where farmers suicide because of nonpayment of loan, so have little mercy on them please.

5. Why has there been growth in urban population and fall in rural population? It is lack of job opportunities and fall in agriculture in the rural areas that brings the villagers to the cities. It is CON gress's urban centric policies which have ruined our country over the last six decades.
Again check which party was in rule when and this trend of urbanization is not only in India it’s all over the World , just check the more developed countries ‘s more population living in cities then villages

6. Why did have to take 25 years to declare that no one from the CONgress was involved in the 1984 anti-sikh riots? Who did it and how do you compensate for the lost lives?
I strongly agree with you o this Point

7. Who was responsible for starting the Kashmir problem, later the Siachen problem and the Arunachal problem? Why Nehru did not give free hand to Sardar Patel to tackle Pakistan and finish with it once and for all?
The Responsible are British and please let the people of that place to decide what they want, and Siachen is part of Kashmir, and giving free hand to sardar patel is same like giving free hand to Narender Modi during Gujrat Mascar, sardar petal actually push that time some people to Kill Mahatma Gandhi to take revenge not making him prime minister, anyhow its long discussion I don’t want to start this.


Yes I can expalin.u on this.only the muslim was responsible for that.


8. Every street, stadium, new lay out or any scheme is named after Nehru or Indira or Rajeev or Ambedkar. Has CONgress ever bothered to remember Sardar Patel, Tilak, Gokhale, Bhagat Singh etc?
Why not BJP do this in states where they are in power and for your Memory last raj was BJP Raj.

9. What is the CONgress' record with respect to performance in Indian sports at the International events?
India Won World Cup , you want congress people to take part in Olympics, what BJP did in his Last Term about this?

10. Why are we taking so much time to have a common civil code? In a country like India, if you do not have common law, you will have more Anuradha Balis (Fiza) and Chander Mohans(Chand Mohamad).
What about Muslim personal Law as Common Civil Code?

11. Why is the government is so laxed about following proper dress codes for people in public places? Do we forget that the people who show off their bodies cause more assaults on hapless women outside whilst they themselves live in secure homes.
I strongly agree with you o this Point

12. Has any one seen politicians being killed or injured in rallies, demonstrations for public causes etc? It is the innocent public who are affected, even in death.
Yes because they are protecting their leader and there are hundreds of examples when leader also killed , like Mahatma Gandhi , Benazi Bhutto(pk)

13. How much money has been spent over the last six decades on the urban infrastructure? Doing and redoing the same roads, bridges etc.-all of substandard. The project cost shoots up due to delays and the project loses its purpose when commissioned.
there is Corruption but not that much what you told in this one Sentence

14. Why the performance of our bureaucrats so very dismally poor.? Even after six decades, we lack in a planned all round growth in the country.
Dear India is becoming the Future super power and specially by the Nuclear Agreement with America which is done in Congress Era. Only if it will overcome its injustices in society , it can become the Heaven on Earth.

15. How is that Laloo Prasad Yadav has suddenly become so very famous for his "PERFORMANCE" in the railways? Why did he not show similar performance in his home turf, Bihar during his 15 +5 year rule?
He is very popular there also that’s why you mention 15+5 years rule and Railway is state department and Bihar is very poor state,

16. Why do we see Biharis, Kashmeris, Bengalees, Malayalis, Tamilians in large numbers in cities like Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune, all over Gujarat etc? This is because of lack of job opportunities in those states. Why uniform and all round development has not taken place despite six decades after independence.

Because These cities have sea port that’s why they have more business , Try to put some sea and then sea ports in all these area what you mention, except Tamil and Malayalis they already have.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we believe int Vande Mataram, Hindu Mythology and our national security. if u maintain our national security then u vote to BJP and NDA alliance. kyonki hindyoon ke liye or desh ki suraksha ke liye aaj desh ko BJP ki jaroorat hai. PLEASE GO OUT AND CASTE UR VOTE. nahin toh ye kahawat charitrath hone ja rahi hai............

This Country is not only consist of Hindus but also other nations

hum aah bhi bharte hain to ho jate hain barbad,
wo katla bhi karte hain to unka kuch nahin hota.


Best Regards



Brijesh Verma
Managing Editor


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