Friday, July 2, 2010

[ KhanewalFun ] Lean Skills in Khanewal



 South PunjabRegion Pakistan






The NGO World has launched PROFESSIONALS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMas self help initiative. The purpose of the program is to enhance the professional skills of the target people and groom them as true professionals.   


This is three month package (60 working days) designed to provide young people with professional trainings in,


1.      Spoken English 

2.      Communication & Presentation Skills 

3.      Public Speaking and Negotiation skills 

4.      Technical Writing Skills 

5.      Leadership & Management Skills 

6.      NGO Management Skills 

7.      Proposal Writing Skills 

8.      Volunteerism for Community Development 

9.      Project Management  

10. Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting skills 

11. Time Management 

12. Networking 


Others may be included on demand of the participants. 


The goal is to produce more young leaders in development sector and to help these people to achieve their full potential by advancing to the top ranks in their profession. 




This program is equally important for students, employees, NGO workers & managers, project managers and volunteers. 




Initially this program is being implemented in district Khanewal but will be replicated in other 14 districts of south Punjab region as well.  


South Punjab is a neglected region in all aspects. People of the region are kept away from all important opportunities which are available to the residents of big cities likeIslamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Rawalpindi etc. 


Professional skills training opportunities are limited to these cities. It is unaffordable for the people of South Punjab to travel for the learning purpose and bear expenses like traveling, residence and heavy fees. 

To meet this crucial need and fill the gap The NGO World has launched this campaign. 




The NGO World and its partner NGOs and professionals in Khanewal have taken the first step on self help basis. To expand this useful program to other district we are looking towards all concerned stakeholder (NGOs, Individual professionals, volunteers) from other districts of the region.  


On the same time donor agencies are also invited to take interest in this initiative. They should own it and make it effective & efficient by their support. 




Focal Person 





Recent Activity:
|M|.............. MOHSAN IQBAL CHISHTY ( KHANEWAL)..............|C|
|M|............... ABDUL HASEEB 03334684848( MULTAN )..................|C|
|M|..............SOHAIL AWAN 03007711311[Kalar Syedan(Islamabad)]......|C|
|M|................. SONIA RANA (Sweet n Sour) Modretor.........|C|
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