Sunday, June 26, 2011

[ KhanewalFun ] Tumhari yaad ka mosam Jo her ik dukh se gehra he






Tumhari yaad ka mosam Jo har ik dukh se gehra he





Tumhari yaad ka mosam
Jo har ik dukh se gehra he
Na jaane kitni muddat se
hamaare mun men thehra he

Mager tum ne nahi jana, mager tum nay nahi socha

Tumhare pyar ka mosam
jo her mosam se pyara he
Mere in be-karaa'n lamhon ka
wo wahid sahara he

Mager tum ne nahi socha, mager tum ne nahi samjha

Tumhare baad ka mosam
andheron ka safar ab he
sujhaaei kuch nhi deta  
na jeeta hoon na marta hoon

Mager tum ne nahi deikha, mager tum ne nahi jana.......!!



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