Sunday, April 10, 2011

//Dil Se Desi// : How to Increase Oxygen in Blood


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We all know that we need adequateamount of oxygen in the body in order to live a healthy life. The oxygen thatwe inhale from the air is then mixed with the blood which carries it to eachand every cell and tissue in the body. However, if there are low levels ofoxygen in the blood, then it can lead to many health issues. Did you know thatlack of oxygen in the body is one of the leading causes of persistent fatiguein humans, and can lead to conditions like depression and mental fogginess! Youwould be surprised to know that more than 15 million people in the UnitedStates alone visit a healthcare specialist every year with complaints of lowoxygen saturation levels. The normal blood oxygen saturation level in the humanbody is between 95% to 100%. However, if the level is less than 90%, then thelevels are considered to be pretty low. For this, one must be aware of thepossible ways of how to increase oxygen in blood so that there is adequatesupply of oxygen in the entire body. It is necessary as the brain itselfconsumes about 12% of the total oxygen consumed by the body. What can be doneabout the same is explained as under.

Different Ways to Increase Oxygen inBlood

In case the oxygen levels are too low, the condition is known asHypoxia. As mentioned earlier, if the level is as low as 90%, it is known as hypoxia;although many a times the levels go as low as 80% resulting into severe hypoxiawhich can actually is life threatening. There can be various reasons for lowoxygen levels in the blood which include breathing in high altitudes, chronicobstructive pulmonary disease (which is the fourth leading cause of death inthe United States of America), sleep apnea, pneumonia and so on. The medicaltreatment depends upon the causes of low oxygen levels in the blood. But thereare ways of increasing oxygen in the blood through some lifestyle changes.These are discussed as follows:

Breathe Fresh Air

Iknow... how can you breathe 'fresh air' with so much of pollution around? Well,I agree to it, but then one must take the necessary precautions to keep thequality of air as good as possible. Avoid accompanying friends for smoke evenif you have quit smoking yourself. Try to wear a mask when passing throughextremely polluted areas. Make sure your space at home and/or office is wellventilated. Keeping plants around your living area is also a good option asthey produce oxygen and consume carbon dioxide. Bottom line is to make sure youdon't expose your nostrils to a 'more polluted' environment.

Exercise Regularly

Exercisingregularly is not only good for shedding those extra pounds and increasingstamina, but it also contributes towards increasing the levels of oxygen in theblood. Of course by exercising I don't mean you run 4 to 5 laps daily! Even anormal brisk walking daily for about 30-45 minutes, can help increase oxygenlevels in the blood. This is so because exercise makes the brain and bodydemand more oxygen, as a result of which the body increases the blood flow inthe body supplying more oxygen to the cells. Even breathing exercises early inthe morning can prove to be of help by opening the abdomen and lungs to inhaleenough oxygen. Practicing Yoga in this case would be a good idea. Therefore,following a healthy and active lifestyle is a good and natural way to deal withhypoxia.

Improve Your Posture

Theonly natural way to increase the oxygen a level in the body is throughbreathing adequate amounts of oxygen. You can breathe better through improvingyour posture while breathing. An example for the same would be to avoidcrouching! Always sit and stand straight with your shoulders at the back to beable to take the maximum amount of oxygen rich air into your body. Check if youare stooping right now while reading this article... if you are, then stop itfrom this point itself!

Lose Weight

Thisis applicable to people who are overweight or obese. Mostly, people who haveweight issues are more prone to suffer from low levels of oxygen in the blood.However, if you take the necessary precautions and exercise daily, you caneasily come under the normal weight range and thereby increase the levels ofoxygen in the body.

Eat Foods that Increase Oxygen in theBody

Yes,there are ways to increase oxygen in the blood by eating certain foods. Firstof all you need to cut down on all the fatty and junk foods that you have beenconsuming. Experts believe that a diet which involves fruits, vegetables,legumes, whole grains and other forms of complex carbohydrates helps in bettercirculation of blood in the body thereby transporting oxygen enriched cells ineach and every part. There are also various supplements available for the samepurpose. However, you must always check with your healthcare specialist before consumingthese supplements.

Thoughall the aforementioned ways of increasing oxygenation in the blood are useful,it is very important to get regular medical checkups done. Even if you aretaking the aforementioned measures, you must confirm with your doctor before implementingthem. As mentioned earlier, there are different reasons that can cause lowoxygen levels in your blood and only a thorough check up can determine theproper treatment in your individual case. So don't delay taking the doctor'sappointment. After all, consulting early is better than repenting later. Have asafe tomorrow.


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