Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Re: //Dil Se Desi// EveryBody Reply if they Knows..Kiya Kisi Ney GOD ko dekha hai Alive,


Dear All
This is the replicate the question,Have you ever seen air ? The air can not be visulise but only can be felt.The same God ain't be seen by the outer world,but the only way to reach Thou by our internal spirits or soul.
The God has the second name Love or Mercy.So ladies and gents love to your lovedones or the humans and keep mercy on the weak or poor.

From: srikanth jagannathan <srikanth_39@yahoo.com>
To: girdher.vandana@gmail.com; dilsedesigroup@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, 8 April, 2011 12:47:18 PM
Subject: Re: //Dil Se Desi// EveryBody Reply if they Knows..Kiya Kisi Ney GOD ko dekha hai Alive,

hi vandana

very very very diffculit question you have asked thou answer is simple..have you seen your internal organs like heart lungs etc? maybe with modern machines ..but what are those
organs simply you..without them you are dead or you are nobody..so is god without
god there is no world not even you..all that u need is machines to see him..u need
to find that machine otherwise god is within you or u wont be alive



--- On Fri, 4/8/11, vandana girdher <girdher.vandana@gmail.com> wrote:

From: vandana girdher <girdher.vandana@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: //Dil Se Desi// EveryBody Reply if they Knows..Kiya Kisi Ney GOD ko dekha hai Alive,
To: "jr khatiwala" <jrkhatiwala@yahoo.com>
Cc: dilsedesigroup@yahoogroups.com, "Deepak Kumar" <deepak_sinbros@yahoo.com>
Date: Friday, April 8, 2011, 12:18 PM


apne kese or kaha dekha God ko

On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 11:32 AM, jr khatiwala <jrkhatiwala@yahoo.com> wrote:

Dear Deepak,
Maine God ko dekha he

J R Khatiwala
Not To Be Stop Till The Goal Is Achieved

--- On Wed, 6/4/11, Deepak Kumar <deepak_sinbros@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Deepak Kumar <deepak_sinbros@yahoo.com>
Subject: //Dil Se Desi// EveryBody Reply if they Knows..Kiya Kisi Ney GOD ko dekha hai Alive,
To: dilsedesigroup@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, 6 April, 2011, 11:18 PM

Dear All friends ,
I M Deepak 
There is a question in my Mind .
Kiya Kisi Ney GOD ko dekha hai Alive,
Rpely me .
Waiting for reply
Deepak Arora

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